Our page of queries and curiosities, where answers are waiting to be discovered. Please reach out if you don’t find what you are looking for below.

How much does it cost to access Sprout?

Sprout membership is $129 per month for adults and $79 per month for kids.

Is Sprout covered by MSP?

No. Sprout’s services are not eligible for MSP coverage.

How do I know if Sprout is the right fit for my family’s healthcare needs?

We know how important it is to find the right healthcare professionals to meet your needs. We created Sprout Family Health to help young families thrive with a specialized team to support growing little ones. 

Additional information about our model, which is designed particularly for the needs of young families, our team, and the growing list of extras we offer our members, including developmental milestone checks and Dexa body composition scanning, can be found on our About page.

I don’t have a family doctor. Can Sprout provide medical services?

Sprout is not a substitute for your family doctor. Our focus is on optimizing your family's health and wellness. If, however, you don’t have access to a family doctor, it is within our Nurse Practitioner’s scope of practice and duty of care to take care of your medical needs. And we’re happy to do so. We do not charge an additional fee for taking this on. Nor do we bill MSP for these services (or for anything offered through Sprout).

What kind of services can the Nurse Practitioner provide?

Our Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have a full scope of practice and are experts in family medicine. They are licensed and trained to prescribe medications, order laboratory and diagnostic tests, and initiate referrals to specialists. We take it a step further though. At Sprout, our NPs focus on keeping you healthy. This means annual comprehensive assessments, counselling on longevity, and time spent on preventative health. NPs at Sprout are also recruited and trained to have a special focus on pediatric and adolescent care.

Do I get unlimited care with my membership?

You get unlimited care with our Nurse Practitioner and unlimited access to our Health Navigator (a registered nurse on call). The rest of the team (SLP, OT, Physio, Mental Health) are available as needed to provide assessments, brief intervention, treatment planning, and referrals. When you need a course of therapy or treatment, your Sprout care team will make a referral to the right professional to treat your issue. We’ll stay involved with regular check-ins and will support the process.

Can I get reimbursed through my insurance plan?

In most cases no. Some Healthcare spending accounts may reimburse a portion of your membership fees.

Are there additional fees beyond the annual membership?

There are no hidden fees.

We do however offer a number of companion services that fall outside of the membership program. We haven’t bundled these in with our membership fees because we don’t want people to pay for services they don’t need. For example, if you have a couple of teenagers, you don’t need a lactation consultant or post natal pelvic physiotherapy.

What companion services do you offer?

Here’s a list of our companion services that you would pay for separately from membership:

  • Sleep consultations
  • Lactation consultations
  • Development consultations
  • Behaviour change coaching
  • Food and nutrition services
  • Parenting coaching
  • Pelvic Health physiotherapy

And more to come.

Do I have to sign up for the entire year? Or can I do a monthly membership?

We encourage annual membership. We believe in our model. We’re certain that once you get to know us and experience Sprout, you’ll sign-up for the long term. Join the waitlist.

How are you able to offer so much for so little? All this is less than the cost of a massage?!

We set out to intentionally design a new approach to healthcare that is exceptional, affordable, and made for families. Here’s how we do it:

  • We embrace virtual and telehealth appointments. It’s more convenient for patients and translates to lower overhead. We, of course, do in-person appointments too.
  • We rent a room. Sprout rents space at Tall Tree Health in James Bay for all our in-person appointments. It’s a wonderful and cost-saving arrangement. Also, their space is gorgeous.
  • Team-based care. This is the big one. Every time someone sees a physiotherapist (PT), a Clinical Counsellor, an Occupational Therapist (OT) or a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP), they lower the cost of Sprout. This isn’t exactly intuitive, but stay with us. When you call in with a sore back or a sprained ankle, we’ll book you with our physio who is on-call, has more expertise in musculoskeletal medicine, and is less expensive than our Nurse Practitioner on an hourly basis. Same with mental health (Clinical Counsellor), functional health (OT), and speech and communication (SLP). And voila, you get access to specialized expertise and we keep our costs low. We’re just as surprised as you are that not everyone is practising this way.

Did You Know, Dear Readers?

Oh, what to do? Is it an emergency or can it wait? Our guide offers helpful tips on when to seek emergency care for your child.

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The grass is greener with Sprout. Experience the difference of healthcare with heart.
